Statement of Faith +We believe in the triune Godhead - the Father, the only Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. +We believe that He is the creator of everything that is with exception of Himself. His existence has no beginning and no end. +We believe Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. +We believe He suffered for man’s sins by being crucified, dying and subsequently buried. +We believe that on the third day of His burial, He arose again from the dead. +We believe He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. +We believe He stands as judge of the living and the dead and has full authority of all that is in heaven and on earth. +We believe in one worldwide church, one faith, and one baptism. +We believe in the communion of the saints with Jesus. +We believe in the complete forgiveness of the believer’s sins through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. +We believe the sacrifice of Jesus is sufficient to forgive all sins for all of mankind but only efficient to those who respond to Him and accept His gift. +We believe Christians are not saved by their works, but are saved to work in the kingdom of Christ. +We believe in the resurrection of the body and life everlasting in the presence of God. +We believe in the existence of a state of being, yet, a literal place, called ‘hell’, which is separation from God. +We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God and is authoritative for all Christian living. +We believe that Christians are to live under the absolute authority of Jesus Christ as their king, and are to pursue His will as revealed in the Holy Scriptures. +We believe one of the primary tasks of the Christian is to share the good news about the forgiveness of sin through the sacrifice and lordship of Jesus Christ. +We are the body of Christ pursuing the goal of Christ in the kingdom of Christ to perform the will of the Father through the power of the Holy Spirit. |