Christ's Community Fellowship is a relaxed, come as you are, family-friendly congregation of believers coming together to honor God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
With a diverse background of people, we focus on coming closer to the Lord through prayer, praise, His word, and relationship as the body of Christ.
Sunday Mornings 10:00 AM
Make plans to stay for lunch. We share a potluck meal together every Sunday.
Wednesday Night 6:30 PM
We enjoy a mid-week devotional and an evening meal together followed by a Bible study.
He is dependent upon no one or no thing.
He is not sustained by anyone or anything.
He is the author & originator of all that is good and all that is life. Though distinct and three persons, His essence is One.
In Him exists all knowledge, wisdom, life, purity, and the essence of genuine love.
Kingdom Gifts
What is Currently Needed?
Ozarka Water
What are Kingdom Gifts?
Since the start of CCF, we have kept the building stocked with supplies by the generous donation of individuals here in the church family. We have called these items ‘Kingdom Gifts’ because they are used here in the service to the kingdom of Jesus Christ. If you are in the store and happen to think of what we can use here at the building, please pick up an item or two and we will always have a good stock of items for use.
PH: 940-720-0028
Christ's Community Fellowship
1143 Nakomis Trail
Wichita Falls, TX 76310
About Us
Ministering in This Little Corner of the Kingdom in Texoma to the Church World-Wide
Copyright 2005 to present; Christ's Community Fellowship